Just one more week. Seven more days. I don't know if I can make it, but I'll try. My brain is frazzled, I'm constantly on edge, and damn, I need this vacation.
I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but these past couple months have been crazy. I have spent at least part of 22 of the last 40 days away from home. I could handle the travel if that's all it was. But no. There's also the completely self-imposed stress of a November of novelling followed by a December of catch-up holiday baking and shopping and card-writing, so that for the last six weeks the imposing spectre of Being Behind on Things That Must Get Done has been looking over my shoulder at all times. (Like now. I totally should be writing holiday cards instead of this. I got half of them out on Monday, but I've still got 10 more to go, and I shouldn't send them any later than Saturday. Damn.) Then, of course, there's conveniently-timed extra work stress, some worrying stress around a health issue (thankfully positively resolved), and, of course, the stress of
still not knowing what city Alex and/or I will be living in come January (yes, the January that's two weeks away).
So, yeah. I've not been exactly at the top of my game lately. I've been doing things like dropping the ball for weeks on returning e-mails, and spending hours at work trying to be productive but finding that the harder I try the more I end up staring blankly into space, and making stupid poorly-thought-out plans which probably have resulted in my painstakingly-made cookies being pulverized in the mail, and writing dull and whiny entries like this one. Yay!
Let's see. Is there anything redeeming I can tack on here? I could talk about the weather (gee, there's nothing like 10 degree days to make you feel like 30 degree days are practically tropical!), or the holiday presents I've picked out (I'm actually quite pleased with several of them, let's hope the recipients are too), or my writing and the ideas I have for my next endeavour (I have the sneaking suspicion I will go on and on about this at a later date, but not tonight).
Instead, why don't we end this while we're not too far behind, shall we? I blame the fact that my brain is melted and is dripping out my ears. Check in next time, and I promise, I'll be charming and witty or at least modestly interesting. For now, happy holidays!