Perpetually Unfinished
Friday, September 02, 2005

Atop the Arch, St. Louis
Originally uploaded by brittgm.
It's been forever since I've written here. I don't know why. I haven't been doing a lot of writing lately, period. Not here, as you may have noticed; not in my personal notebook, either. For a while, I was doing a good job of writing everyday in my grey sketchbook, stretching my fingertips and my creativity. It was not only enjoyable, but on a certain level I could sense it was healthy, good for me-- like devouring a salad when you're really craving one, when it's not only delicious but part of the satisfaction is that it's nourishing and filling a need your body has. Anyway, conversely, I can tell that when I'm not writing it's not healthy, that an important part of me is shriveling up from disuse. But nonetheless, that doesn't mean I don't often lapse, and lately I have. There's just been this sort of wall of detachment that I keep running into. (That and the practical side of it, of course. Not only have I traded the long El commute with its abundance of writing time for a brisk 10-minute walk to work, but I've been out of town a hell of a lot this summer.)

Anyway, consequently, there are about seven million things I could write about, and so I think this is going to be a long, meandering, and incoherent entry. Sorry-- you'll just have to bear with me.

Union Miners' Cemetery (Mother Jones' Gravesite)
Originally uploaded by brittgm.

So yeah, I've kind of been all over the place since I wrote last. A short but satisfying weekend in St. Louis, where we managed to pack a visit to Mother Jones' grave, a trip up the Arch, a Cardinals game, a visit to Alex's friend Nan, and frozen custard with Sarah into two days... a week and a half for Alex and I in DC, NYC, and New Jersey, visiting not only my family and my grandparents, but also Rich (and Morgan), Katie (and Matt), and Joe Vess and Nick, all of which was just great and which I could write pages about all on its own... and most recently, almost two weeks out east, between a conference for work and a week traveling with my family in West Virginia and western Pennsylvania. It's been two months since we moved into the new apartment, and I've spent more than half of it away. And now for Labor Day weekend, Alex and I are going camping in southwestern Wisconsin.

So that's part of the story of my summer thus far. Another part is that, happily, almost every week I've been in town I've either gone up to Evanston or my Evanston friends have come downtown to visit. This is, of course, a wonderful thing... not only is it a very nice reassurance that living 45 minutes away doesn't mean that I'm isolated from everyone, but it's also spending time with folks in a way that I didn't even when right nearby this past year-- thanks both to my failure to be actively social, and the busy-ness of the school year for everyone else. So this is something pretty new, and very nice; I feel more content with my friendships than I have in a really long time.

It's hard to find words for what's going on in New Orleans (and the rest of that area)... it's heartbreaking and horrifying and infuriating. The disaster may have been triggered by a natural event, but a huge proportion of the hell that tens of thousands of people are suffering is because of the priorities of our society-- and the fact that neither thoughtful prevention and preparation nor the lives of poor black people rank very high on that list. As far as I'm concerned, there is no excuse whatsoever for a situation like this. There's so much more I want to say, but it's hard to articulate; my thoughts get tangled up in pain and anger and disgust. Perhaps in a little while...

I suppose I ought to wait until I actually have something to offer before unveiling this, but what the hell. I'm jumping on the bandwagon (ie Kyle and Jake) and coming up with separate personal and political blogs-- not because I have trouble separating the two currently, but that I don't actually get around to writing political stuff on a regular basis, and maybe if I set something aside for it, I will. So I'm transforming my previous failed attempt at a second site-- putting the name "Closer to Fine" (which I like quite a lot) into storage for now, but keeping the previous posts, which all are more or less political anyway. Wish me luck.

There's so much more to say, but I'm almost literally on my way out the door for some Labor Day weekend camping with Alex, so it'll have to wait for next time. And "next time" will be soon, I promise!
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Nature attains perfection, but man never does. There is a perfect ant, a perfect bee, but man is perpetually unfinished. He is both an unfinished animal and an unfinished man. It is this incurable unfinishedness which sets man apart from other living things. For, in the attempt to finish himself, man becomes a creator. Moreover, the incurable unfinishedness keeps man perpetually immature, perpetually capable of learning and growing.
--Eric Hoffer

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