So in other news, life has been going fairly well. Work has been challenging, stressful, and frustrating, but hell, it's just work. And very good things have been happening in the grand scheme of the project I'm working on, even though my particular workload has not been enjoyable.
And as far as people... I suppose there's nothing to write home about, but the general trend is good. Two weekends ago, I went to the Peace Project brunch discussion. There were only four of us there, but I actually liked that, because it was a lot more cozy and we were able to carry on a single conversation instead of splitting into two or three, the way it happens when there's a dozen people. It was a good discussion, and a fun, friendly experience. Then last weekend, I went to the co-op's Valentine's Day party. It was better than most parties I've been to, which is to say that it wasn't lousy and there were relatively few moments of awkwardness. There were at least 5 or 6 people I could stand around talking to without feeling like I was forcing my company on them. Almost all of the people I'm casually friendly with in Evanston were there, and I was able to chat a bit with all of them. It still isn't the kind of thing I'd choose as a fun way to spend an evening, but it was a pretty painless way to socialize. And it's definitely necessary to keep doing it; the utterly shocked and puzzled look on Sharlyn's face when she saw me there ("Britt? You never go to parties!") is evidence enough of that.
And then on Friday night, we had a SEJ evening. I met up with Kyle, Pat, Sharlyn, and Rebecca at a kick-off event for the new Chicago Labor Trail map/guide to Chicago's labor history. It was interesting, and I discovered that Erik, the grad student who taught my history seminar last year, was one of the people working on the project. We talked afterwards, and that was really nice-- I like him a lot, so it was good to talk to him again, plus he seemed happy to see me and made me feel good about my job. Anyway, from there, we went to see "The Take" at the Music Box Theatre, which I highly recommend to all. I walked out of the theater with such a sense of hope and optimism and possibility. It was beautiful. Then we ended up across the street, drinking coffee and talking about all sorts of things. Again, just... nice.
Yeah. I don't know. It's definitely a stretch to say that my life is great or wonderful in any sort of way. But, stress or no stress, right now I feel like things are pretty good. (Ask me again tomorrow, though...)
Finally, your resolution updates (not because I think you care, but because if I don't keep reminding myself, they'll fade into obscurity):
1. Mostly.
2. Finally made some initial inquiries.
3. Kicking this one's ass-- just took out 4 more books today, which makes about 15 so far this year.
4. Not yet. Although there's a poem floating around in my head.
5. Sort of.
6. Same as before.
7. Last week, I brought lunch from home 4 of 5 days!
8. In the last week I've made eggplant parmesan and slow-cooker black bean chili, as well as making my own french fries.
9. See above. I'm getting there.