I think this photoblogging could be a very good thing. Not only is it fun to share the pictures, but it's also motivation to put up entries even if I haven't got much to say.
And I really haven't got much to say, today. Work has been crazy-making lately; yesterday, I was at work from 9:45am to 9:15pm, and continued working on the El trip home and on the computer at home until past midnight. It hasn't been quite that bad everyday, but I certainly haven't been home before 8 all week, and the days have been busy and stressful. I end up collapsing at night with a fried brain... much like right now, in fact, which is why I find it so difficult to be eloquent or even coherent, really. Maybe later this weekend, once my brain gets a chance to relax and de-stress a bit (although I need to put in a bunch of time for work on Sunday). So you can just kick back and enjoy the picture from Hawai'i for now...