Well, at least that's something.
I'm not overjoyed, or excited, or thrilled, or psyched, the way I would be if it was the Cubs who'd just won the pennant. I'm certainly not giddy. I'm not rabidly looking forward to spending the next week glued to the TV.
But I am pleased. That's better than nothing. And certainly better than the Red Sox winning, which would have been far worse than nothing.
Yes, I know that the Yankees' win pisses off the vast majority of baseball fans, who've been following the LCS's excitedly and are now looking at the World Series with frustration and disgust. I feel bad for them. But if there is a benevolent and omnipotent God, he would have let the Cubs win in the first place, so it's not like there's anything I can do about it.
And now I go back to being my isolated self, rooting for the team everyone else despises. That was one of the many nice things about cheering for the Cubs... it was something to share with everyone else, shared hopes, shared cheers, shared disappointments, everyone welcomed and included as fellow Cubs fans. As a Yankee fan, I'm used to everyone wanting my team to lose. And then there are always the people who not only want the Yankees to lose, but think that all Yankee fans deserve to be taunted and made to feel like shit, and either forget or don't care that I'm actually a human being, too.
Maybe there's at least one benefit to the Marlins being in the World Series. Maybe people who feel like that will be so disgusted that they won't care enough about the Series to find the fun in trying to make me miserable. Crossing my fingers for that...