An IM conversation with my sister:
Note: Yes, she uses capitalization and punctuation in her IMs. Is this not troubling?
Shauna: Hey. You were in my dream last night.
Me: what was i doing in your dream?
Shauna: Getting married.
Shauna: And then you were going off on your honeymoon in a raft.
Me: eek
Me: to who?
Shauna: Some boy.
Shauna: He had very big brown eyes and he didn't talk a lot.
Shauna: And then anyway!
Me: ah
Me: yes?
Shauna: You were going off in your raft.
Shauna: And Derek Jeter showed up.
Shauna: He said he loved you and couldn't let you leave.
Me: hehe
Shauna: And he wanted me to give you jellybeans.
Shauna: As a token of his affections.
Me: hehe
Shauna: But I threw them out.
Me: =-O
Shauna: You were married!
Me: you didn't give me derek jeter's jellybeans?
Shauna: You didn't need tokens of affections!
Me: but jellybeans are yummy
Me: you should have kept them for yourself, then
Shauna: ... good point.