Ah, back in Maryland for a few weeks.
My sister's starting college in 10 days, and so there's a fair amount of hubbub going on about it. I'm suddenly a figure of great knowledge and authority, both of my parents having commuted to college when they were undergrads.
Today I was brought along to Bed, Bath and Beyond, where I was consulted on all number of questions. ("Yes, make sure the bath caddy has holes in the bottom so that water doesn't collect and mold." "No, don't buy a lamp here, wait until you see the room to figure that out." "Yes, you absolutely need a whiteboard.") It was kind of bizarre for my mom to be walking through the aisles with the two of us, asking me the questions about what we should get for her.
Shauna's finally started to get nervous about college as it approaches (partially the usual jitters, but exacerbated because college is the be-all, end-all ideal she's been waiting for for years), and so I also get to dispense soothing advice about meeting people and getting involved and classes and time management and other fun stuff. I am clearly the College Guru.
And of course, my sister moving into this stage in her life makes it all the more noticeable that very soon, I'll be moving out of it...